Local & Sustainable



Barahnaja translates to 12 seeds, is an ancient traditional system of multi cropping that is practised in the Indian mountainous state of Uttarakhand. This sustainable and traditional farming method is climate resilient and has been recognized as "Organic by default".

The advantages of the crop system is

  1. it is suitable for ecologically fragile regions; sustainable and self-sufficient
  2. It prevents soil erosion
  3. Food security as threat of widespread crop failure is minimised
  4. Health benefits to consumers with its chemical-free approach
  5. Enhances soil health and fertility.

Modern industrial agriculture is a system of monocrops that erodes soils, pollutes air and water, and relies on synthetic pesticides and fertilizers

We at Barahnaja organics take our name very seriously and work on the traditional farming practices to keep it alive and at the same time we use modern ways of selling and marketing the peoducts so that the ancient food could reach maximum number of people and farmers could get there worth of hard work.