Our apples are not waxed!

Is the Wax on Apples Natural?

Many people aren’t aware that apples produce their own wax coating. The natural apple wax is sometimes called bloom, and you can identify it by looking for a thin white layer around the fruit. Natural apple wax acts like a protective barrier or coating, preserving the fruit as it grows. When farmers harvest apples, they’ll wash them to remove any dirt or debris before packaging, which removes the wax layer.

Apples are just one of several types of fruits that make their own wax — pears and plums also produce a natural wax coating.

Benefits of Natural Apple Wax

The wax that naturally forms on apples protects the fruit when it’s on the tree and just after harvest. Some of the benefits of natural apple wax include:

  • Moisture retention: Think of biting into an apple. You want it to be crisp and juicy. The apple’s skin helps trap the moisture in the cells of its flesh, and the wax on the skin offers an additional layer of protection. Without the wax, the apple will quickly dry out, becoming shriveled and unpalatable.
  • Enhanced firmness: Natural apple wax keeps apples from shriveling up and losing all of their nutrients. Without the skin or wax, apples wouldn’t be crisp or firm how we like them.
  • Mold growth inhibition: The natural wax coating also keeps mold from growing on the apple’s surface. Mold can be dangerous when consumed, and it can also kill the fruit. The natural apple wax keeps the fruit safe until it’s ready for harvest.
  • Ripening delay: When a wax coating surrounds apples, the ripening and decay process slows. The apple is exposed to less outside air, so it doesn’t start to break down as soon. Protected by the wax, the apple can thrive on the tree and can continue to ripen after picking. This wax also allows apples to make it to the grocery store once picked, ensuring they’re of the highest quality for consumers.
  • Bacterial protection: Just as the wax keeps mold from growing, it also protects the fruit from invasions by bacteria and other microorganisms. The microbes can’t penetrate the apple’s surface thanks to the wax. Without a waxy barrier, microorganisms could enter the fruit, which could damage the apple or make you sick when you bring it home to eat. The natural wax prevents this from happening, ensuring that apples live longer and are healthy for human consumption

Is Artificial wax coating on fruits and veggies harmful?

In India as per the Government Act i.e., Food Safety and Standard Regulations, the natural waxes like candelilla wax, beeswax and carnauba wax are the only permissible food waxes in different fruits and vegetables.

In order to determine the composition, the physical and chemical properties need to be known. All of the natural waxes have the esters group which are not present in petroleum waxes as they are made of alkanes of various carbons

Artificial cheap waxes that contain morpholine can cause liver or kidney disfunction.


Our apples are plucked, packed and sent straight from the orchard, thus they only have natural wax.When the apples reach you, just wash them under tap water to dissolve the natural wax and enjoy the crispness of the fresh high altitude mountain apples.

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